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Dubai Scale-Up Program

Dubai SME, an agency of Dubai Economy and Tourism (DET), in collaboration with Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and Nasdaq Dubai, is launching the Dubai Scale-Up Program to support the goals of Dubai Economic Agenda D33, which aims to double the city's economy and place it among the top three global cities in the next ten years.

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What is Dubai Scale-Up Program?

The Dubai Scale-Up program aims to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their growth through educational workshops led by industry experts. The workshops focus on teaching SMEs about the various aspects of capital markets and how to utilize them for their benefit, with the ultimate goal of preparing them for a potential initial public offering (IPO) through Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and Nasdaq Dubai.

While most similar programs worldwide are paid, the Dubai Scale-Up program will be free of charge for selected SMEs.

Our Objectives

Program Modules

The Dubai Scale-Up Program will consist of 5 modules for eligible SME participants.

Strategic Growth

Growing a successful company

IPO Readiness

Getting the most out of your IPO

Post IPO Listing

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